Black History Month Featured Story

How our partners are impacting positive change in the Black community

As we celebrate Black History Month, we reflect and marvel at how much some of our nonprofit partners have done for the advancement of Black people. Partner agencies like the Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis, YWCA, and Annie Malone Children and Family Services, have been working to uplift communities of color for decades.

Whether it’s foster care, economic empowerment, education, or the ongoing struggle for equality, these agencies have helped to give Black people the resources they need to live here and thrive.

We sat down with leaders from these three agencies, where they discussed the history of their organizations, their long-standing partnerships with United Way, and how they continue to uplift the Black community today.

Their efforts have given Black people hope and have inspired them to dream big and have confidence to know that there is no limit to what they can achieve. Organizations like theirs are fighting to make the St. Louis region a better place for all, so that everyone can have the opportunity to succeed, no matter the color of their skin.

Even though there is still progress to be made, Urban League, YWCA, and Annie Malone have played a huge role in what has been a long struggle for racial equality. Later this month, we’ll reveal the full interviews where they describe programs, services, and initiatives that their organizations have enacted over the years to create a brighter future for marginalized communities of color.

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Rodney Humphries
Rodney Humphries