With many families already facing limited access to transportation, childcare and grocery stores, challenges stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic have made it even harder for many to afford and access basic needs. Since the start of COVID-19, United Way 2-1-1 has seen a 71% increase in calls from North St. Louis for food assistance.
With support from a United Way emergency response grant, Northside Youth & Senior Service Center is helping low-income kids and families in North St. Louis stay healthy by:
- Offering nutritious grab-and-go snacks and meals to feed children who rely on school lunches and single-parent households with limited income.
- Providing utility assistance so families can stay safe in their homes and afford other necessities, like food, household supplies and rent.
What this support means
Additional funding from United Way has enabled local nonprofits to provide more than 1.1 million meals to 20,000 families across the St. Louis region, families like Rory’s.*
Rory, a single mom of three, lost both her jobs when stay-at-home orders went into effect, and she had to reach out for help from Northside for the first time. Food and utility assistance make it possible for her to pay for rent and utilities, which takes a big weight off her shoulders. She was embarrassed to ask for help at first, but, inspired by the community’s support, she says, “I know that this too shall pass.”
We are all United
This is just one example of the critical work being done in our community right now. In the coming weeks, United Way will continue to stand by our region, helping with both critical disaster relief and long-term recovery efforts.
*Name changed for privacy.
Take action now:
- If you or someone you know is in need of assistance, dial 2-1-1 or visit 211helps.org to get connected to local resources.